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Customer Journey Mapping Examples: 4 Use Cases to Inform Your CX Strategy

Are Customer Journey Maps Really Necessary? My client had just returned from a presentation to her executive committee. She was defeated, and realized she made ...

5 Silent Issues that Destroy Customer-Focused Innovation

Co-creation sessions, customer journey workshops and customer-focused innovation summits can sound so sexy and intriguing. We envision a group working cohesively, rolling up their collective sleeves to create an improved customer-centric culture and earn long-term

5 Ways One-on-One Customer Communication Builds Loyalty

Consumers have power. In the old-school approaches to business, companies thought they were essential if they sold goods and services people wanted. Nowadays, the abundance of competition means that no single company can afford to

5 Important Steps to Win the Moment With Customers

We live in a digital world, constantly connected, where information is always at our fingertips. With all this information, businesses have the tricky task of standing out from all the chatter and building strong relationships

Brian Solis: Your Guide to an Experience-Driven Future

Customer experience is the new black. If you haven’t already heard, experience is HOT. Every savvy marketer, designer, branding strategist, corporate leader, social media blogger and keynote speaker is now a customer experience expert. I say

You Can’t Microwave Customer Experience Excellence

By Joseph Michelli If your customers think you deliver an “average” service experience, there is NO shortcut to getting them to become emotionally engaged, loyal, zealots of your brand. Don’t get me wrong. A well-designed