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Customer Journey Mapping Examples: 4 Use Cases to Inform Your CX Strategy

Are Customer Journey Maps Really Necessary? My client had just returned from a presentation to her executive committee. She was defeated, and realized she made ...

3 Ways You Are Ruining Your Customer’s Day

Your organization might be well-meaning but still ruining your customer’s day. The mission at Experience Investigators is simple, but we believe it’s important: We’re on a mission to create fewer ruined days for customers. I

Are You Talking Yourself Out of Innovating?

Brands need to keep innovating. To stay ahead of the market, they need to offer the “what’s next” to stave off the competition. Innovation is about responding to the market, anticipating needs, and using a little

Why New Customer Rewards Stink For The Rest Of Us

Do we live in a throwaway culture? Probably. It feels that way to loyal customers sometimes, thanks to customer rewards reserved for those walking in the door. Those shiny, new customers get all the perks,

Mobile Innovation Is Not About Your Phone!

What if the future of mobile has nothing to do with the phone in your hand? While “Mobile First” has been the mantra for at least the last few years for most smart companies, it’s

Your Process Flows Don’t Know Jack!

A client was really excited to share something: “We have finally done all our process maps!” She was the newly appointed customer service director, and she had heard mapping was important. Several months later, and

When Does Your Customer Experience Start?

I heard this question while speaking to a group not too long ago. It’s a great – and surprisingly complex – inquiry. When I quizzed the group, here are a few ideas I heard: “The

3 Ways to Expand Customer Experience Consciousness

You only know what you know. That’s the insurmountable truth about each human’s perspective. Our lens is just that – ours. This is a particular challenge in customer experience. Think about it. Not only do