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Customer Journey Mapping Examples: 4 Use Cases to Inform Your CX Strategy

Are Customer Journey Maps Really Necessary? My client had just returned from a presentation to her executive committee. She was defeated, and realized she made ...

Turning the Tables on Bad Customer Service

If you haven’t yet discovered our podcast, Crack The Customer Code, I hope you will soon. We released our 15th episode, and it’s been quite the learning experience for my co-host Adam Toporek from Customers That

Are Your FAQ’s Driving Customers Mad?

FAQ is another one of those terms we didn’t even know before the dawn of the internet age. Most of us were blissfully unaware of this acronym for “Frequently Asked Questions” now living on many

future of AI

Future Marketing: 3 Ways to Speak to Tomorrow’s Customer

Besides the predictable onslaught of product announcements and amazing trade show booths, many discussions around the needs of future customers took place recently at the Consumer Electronics Show, the behemoth of tech conferences, in Las Vegas, Nevada. Many of the trends

The Frustrating but Successful Content Marketing Path

About a year ago, we began dedicating ourselves to a more intentional and dedicated content marketing strategy. We’re a small business that serves a larger market, so having our potential clients find us became critical. Our