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Customer Journey Mapping Examples: 4 Use Cases to Inform Your CX Strategy

Are Customer Journey Maps Really Necessary? My client had just returned from a presentation to her executive committee. She was defeated, and realized she made ...

Are Your Employees Engaged to Tell You the Truth?

Surveying employees on satisfaction and engagement is not a new concept, but it’s getting a little more fanfare these days. Forward-looking leaders understand how important it is to have innovative, productive and engaged employees. More

3 Powerful No-Sweat Customer Experience Quick Fixes

Working day after day on the same set of projects and goals can make us a little complacent about what customers really need from us. Too often, we convince ourselves that what happens within our walls doesn’t have

Achieve Stellar Customer Service with the Aloha Principle

By Natalie Smith Hawaiians have a reputation for delivering stellar customer service. They seem to always maintain a genuinely warm and friendly manner when dealing with their clients, making it virtually impossible to feel dissatisfied even

5 Ways to Get Actionable Feedback from Customers

Asking customers for feedback is generally easy, but asking questions that spark action is not. And every customer’s journey is different, so why ask every customer the same old questions? Neat piles of similar responses look

5 Epic Employee Engagement Issues You Never Noticed

Highly-engaged employees will deliver better experiences to your customers, leading to increased loyalty, more referrals, and more business overall. Yippee! However, employee engagement is emotional and often hinged on the very last experience an employee might