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Customer Journey Mapping Examples: 4 Use Cases to Inform Your CX Strategy

Are Customer Journey Maps Really Necessary? My client had just returned from a presentation to her executive committee. She was defeated, and realized she made ...

How to Turn Reactive Customer Experience into Proactive CX

Listen to this article Is Your Organization’s Customer Experience Proactive, or Reactive? Customer ExperienceĀ is about designing the right experience, actively working to understand customer needs before they tell you, and supporting the backend processes and

cx problems solved by systems

What Is Customer Experience?

Listen to this article Customer experience is not always easy to define. In the early days, it was often described as the perception the customer had of your brand. Others define it as the buyer’s

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Use SMIRC Goals to Define Customer Experience Outcomes

Listen to this article You’ve heard of SMART goals… But what about šŸ˜ SMIRC goals? It’s not uncommon in my experience coaching, consulting, and workshopping with business leaders to come across goals that are vague,