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How to Use Customer Journey Maps to Solve Your CX Challenges

Let’s streamline your customer journey mapping tool search and prime your organization for success. It’s time to explore the essential areas to consider so you ...

Why Positive Word-of-Mouth is Insanely Powerful

What do you think when someone tells you about something that’s “gone viral?” These days, your first thought may be Covid-19, but going viral is still a surprisingly common way of describing a funny video, cringe-worthy

3 Ways to Update Customer Experience for Millennials

Do millennials really approach everything differently than generations before them? Or are the challenges of designing for them simply the same challenges as designing and delivering experiences for any group? Yes, millennials approach the world

5 Ongoing Challenges of Patient Experience

#of hours/year: this is when health happens. @markhymanmd #PESummit pic.twitter.com/ETpMikdraP — Jeannie Walters (@jeanniecw) May 16, 2016 Thoughts from the Cleveland Clinic Patient Empathy Summit (Part 2) In case you missed it, you may be

3 Ways to Let Customers Guide Your Greatest Innovation

Customers can’t always tell us what they want, even when we ask them to leave feedback. So is there another way to learn what they will want next, before they take their business elsewhere? Customer data, feedback and market

The Intentionality of Patient Empathy

Thoughts from the Cleveland Clinic Patient Empathy Summit (Part 1) I had the immense honor of being a part of the Cleveland Clinic Patient Empathy Summit. This is the place where the idea of patient

How Do You Define Loyalty in YOUR Organization?

Most agree that loyalty is often the holy grail of Customer Experience… But the way we define loyalty tends to vary. Creating loyal customers is often seen as the end goal. The raison d’etre for