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Customer Journey Mapping Examples: 4 Use Cases to Inform Your CX Strategy

Are Customer Journey Maps Really Necessary? My client had just returned from a presentation to her executive committee. She was defeated, and realized she made ...

How Customer Listening Assessments Create Better CX

How Customer Experience Maturity Develops There is a natural arc to how an organization matures when it comes to customer experience. Let’s look at a common example scenario: First, it starts with an idea: customers

Create Your CX Charter with These 6 Questions

Customer experience (CX) programs often begin with an idea and a dash of sincere enthusiasm…and little else. To arrive at real outcomes, CX programs depend on cross-functional leadership to turn words and ideas into actions.

What Customers Want Next: How to Find & Act on CX Clues

Human behavior is notoriously difficult to predict. Sophisticated modeling and massive data analysis can help, but these are typically based on past behavior. Past behavior might be helpful for predicting future successes, but what if