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Customer Journey Mapping Examples: 4 Use Cases to Inform Your CX Strategy

Are Customer Journey Maps Really Necessary? My client had just returned from a presentation to her executive committee. She was defeated, and realized she made ...

3 Customer Experience Ideas for 2022

It’s time to wrap up another year. 2021 was another strange, unpredictable, not-quite-back-to-normal trip. When it came to customer experience, leaders dealt with all sorts of changes and challenges. The introduction of vaccines led to

How to Build a Customer Experience Persona

Developing CX Personas: The Step Before Journey Mapping In my work consulting, training, and running workshops , one consistent theme I find is teams are super eager to begin the Customer Journey Mapping process. I

5 Ways to Optimize Your Customer Feedback Program

A customer experience leader’s role is often tied to collecting, analyzing and acting upon customer feedback. Many leaders are tasked with developing customer feedback programs, including how and when to send surveys, where to insert

How to be a Change Agent at Your Organization

What Does a Customer Experience Professional Do? Customer experience professionals have many different titles and many different job descriptions. There are CX leaders who focus primarily on customer insights, like Voice of the Customer programs.

How to Run an Effective Customer Experience Team Meeting

Cross-functional leadership is a key factor in leading any customer experience program. This often means creating a team of leaders who regularly meet to discuss priorities, resources and accountabilities that drive CX forward. These teams