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Customer Journey Mapping Examples: 4 Use Cases to Inform Your CX Strategy

Are Customer Journey Maps Really Necessary? My client had just returned from a presentation to her executive committee. She was defeated, and realized she made ...
improve customer experience

How to Start Improving CX in the Real World

I’m often asked how or where a company should start improving CX. While the answer may be a little different for everyone, it’s critical to start out right! However, very few leaders take a realistic

How to Know if Your CX Strategy Is Fake

I’m getting calls from very well-meaning business leaders lately. They are well-versed in many areas of business. Perhaps they were in marketing, or technology or operations. Or maybe they were responsible for the learning and

How Do Smart Leaders Create the Best Experiences?

In many ways, customer experience is still a new phenomenon. Ok that’s not really accurate, of course. Your customers have experiences with you, and judge their relationship with your brand based on how they feel

3 Destructive Consistency Issues You Need to Overcome Now

There’s a part of your customer journey that is most likely inconsistent. It’s those pesky people. Going from one hotel front desk to the next or calling different customer service reps can have very different outcomes. Sometimes

3 Ways to Win Big When Customers Are Furious

Have you ever had to deal with a customer who was really angry? While most days aren’t perfect, if generally takes a lot for us to get red-in-the-face angry.  Of course there are exceptions to this rule,