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CX Education for Employees: Why it Matters & How to Develop Your Program

Why does Customer Experience Training Matter? Customer Experience (CX) is commonly misunderstood as reactive customer service, support, or even just ‘being nice to customers.’ CX ...

Tapping Into Real-Time Customer Input

Have you ever struggled with how you can listen better to your customers? What if you have lots of them? What if they love your product enough to be passionate about sharing feedback? It can be

Challenging Your Focus on Customers

I have a challenge for you. In the next few weeks at your organization, see if you can identify some themes. Keep a tally of how many times the product is mentioned compared to the customer, in

The Tinderization of Mobile Customer Expectations

The world is changing, and fast. We’ve come to accept the incredible pace of innovation. But have you thought of how it’s impacting your customer’s expectations? With the widespread acceptance of apps like Uber and

Scaling Your Business Without Alienating Customers

The following is a Best of 360Connext post. This post was written for, and a version originally appeared on the philGERBYSHAK blog. Operating your business and scaling your business are two separate ideas, believe it

Is Your Mission Customer-Focused, or an Empty Promise?

What’s your customer experience mission? I have introduced the idea of customer experience to many people.  I’m excited that it’s finally catching on!  But it seems most business leaders have only a basic understanding of the phrase. When we get right down to