What Are Micromoments & Why Are They So Important?
I want you to sweat the small stuff. To start worrying about details. To consider micromoments.
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I want you to sweat the small stuff. To start worrying about details. To consider micromoments.
Sure, you may not intend to, but there are probably ways you, as the leader of your department or organization, are sabotaging the experience your customers have. And who can blame you? Today, leaders have
“Customer service shouldn’t just be a department; it should be the entire company” – Tony Hsieh (CEO, Zappos) The late, great CEO of Zappos promoted this idea and he was absolutely right. To deliver exceptional
Is customer experience worth it? This is a question I get all the time. C-level leaders want to know if customer experience (CX) is worth the investment. Customer-focused employees across marketing, sales, HR, and other
What Does Customer Research Mean to You? When you hear the term customer research, what comes to mind? Most organizations have a Voice of the Customer (or VoC) program; maybe that’s the first thing you think of.
Voice of the Customer: An Overview Businesses who do well with customer experience initiatives do so because they know exactly what their customers are feeling and experiencing. No, the secret to success isn’t mind-reading. It’s
You know the brands that do customer culture well. They create such a focus on the customer that everything and everyone throughout the organization is on board. Where does this organizational magic come from? In a
Listen to this article There are times when it’s important to pause, calibrate, and plan for what’s next. The end of the calendar year is a great time for this, but there are others: The
We’re headed into the final weeks of one of the strangest years: A global pandemic shifted how we worked, socialized, interacted and communicated. Our needs changed to reflect these new realities. Parents juggled working from
Listen to this article What is Employee Journey Mapping? If you’re familiar with customer journey mapping, then you may know more about employee journey mapping (EJM) than you realize. Employee journey mapping uses the same