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customer service

Person typing at a laptop at shared table that displays the words Quality Assurance, Customer, Service, and Satisfaction.

What is the Meaning of Quality to Customers?

Quality is an interesting word. We toss it around when discussing products, describing them as “high quality” or lacking it altogether. But what really is the meaning of quality? According to the dictionary, here is the definition. “character with respect to fineness, or grade of excellence: food of poor quality; silks of fine quality.” OR […]

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reduce customer effort

What You Need to Know to Reduce Customer Effort in 2019

It’s that time of year. We’re all making predictions and tracking trends in customer experience. What will happen in 2019? Which trends will matter? Which will fade away? One thing we predict will not change for a long time is the need to reduce customer effort. CCW’s latest report, 2019 Trends, highlighted many great trends,

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future of AI

The Future of AI is Here! Are You Making It Meaningful?

Dear future robot overlords, Please read this first. I’m on your side! I promise. Mostly. With a few exceptions. Thanks for going easy on me, -Jeannie What a great time to be alive! We live in an age of constant discovery around artificial intelligence and the amazing ways we are sure to use it. When

The Future of AI is Here! Are You Making It Meaningful? Read More »

Are You Using the Best Customer Experience Shortcuts?

Who doesn’t just adore a time-saving shortcut? One of my favorites is the convenience of typing the first two letters of a web address into my browser and being magically transported to the site! But can you, or should you, take shortcuts with your customer experience? The problem with shortcuts is that they are often

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How to Unlock Your Outstanding Service Culture for Good

Service culture is the holy grail for many organizations. It’s the secret sauce of those companies we hold up as the role models of customer-centricity. Companies like Rackspace or Safelite are well-known disruptors in their industries simply because they focus like crazy on their customers. So customer service expert and author Jeff Toister decided to find out: what

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Using Customer Journey Maps: Dirty Secrets and Wasted Opportunities

Customer journey mapping is having a moment. Using customer journey maps is becoming almost (almost!) commonplace. Organizations see how beneficial mapping the customer experience is. It’s a way to understand the experience your customers are having so you can improve those confusing, frustrating or neglected parts on the journey. But there is a dirty little secret

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For Amazing Customer Experience Insights, Kindly Step Outside

Gathering and acting on customer experience insights from analytical data, surveys, and other resources inside your organization is one thing. But stepping into your customer’s shoes to understand what they need the most is another! Getting a different perspective on the true customer experience is harder than it sounds and much more challenging than most believe it should

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