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Customer Journey Mapping Examples: 4 Use Cases to Inform Your CX Strategy

Are Customer Journey Maps Really Necessary? My client had just returned from a presentation to her executive committee. She was defeated, and realized she made a misstep in trying to get resources for a customer journey mapping initiative. The C-Suite heard her desire to understand customers better, but they couldn’t see HOW that exercise would […]

Customer Journey Mapping Examples: 4 Use Cases to Inform Your CX Strategy Read More »

Embracing 5 Hard Truths of Customer Experience to Improve Your CX Strategy

I’ve seen organizations adopt a few common mindsets that inadvertently hold them back, as well as CX pros who overlook key resources that can help them get ahead. By facing these realities head on you can more quickly implement the best customer experience strategy for your organization.

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what is a customer experience touchpoint

What a Customer Journey Touchpoint Is (and Why Customer Experience Leaders Should Care)

Your relationship with customers is built one step at a time. Every interaction they have with your organization leaves an impression — and you want it to be a good one! ‘Touchpoints’ have been a hot topic for marketing, sales, and customer experience teams for decades. And for good reason! Each customer journey touchpoint is

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How Generative AI Can Uplift Your Voice of the Customer (VoC) Program

Voice of the Customer (VoC) programs have leveraged some level of artificial intelligence (AI) in many ways already, including pattern recognition, predictive analytics, and sentiment analysis. And while any customer feedback program can add value to a customer experience strategy, the best ones create a swift cycle of turning listening into insights and action. Generative

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The Spectrum of Data-Driven CX (And Why There’s No Magic Metric)

Every team at an organization must prove how their work contributes to the bottom line — and customer experience is no exception. We know CX teams can deliver significant business advantages: Satisfied customers are much more likely to purchase more Revenue grows 40% faster by providing personalized experiences Businesses achieve a 2.3x higher customer lifetime

The Spectrum of Data-Driven CX (And Why There’s No Magic Metric) Read More »