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Mobile Innovation Is Not About Your Phone!

What if the future of mobile has nothing to do with the phone in your hand? While “Mobile First” has been the mantra for at least the last few years for most smart companies, it’s

Your Process Flows Don’t Know Jack!

A client was really excited to share something: “We have finally done all our process maps!” She was the newly appointed customer service director, and she had heard mapping was important. Several months later, and

When Does Your Customer Experience Start?

I heard this question while speaking to a group not too long ago. It’s a great – and surprisingly complex – inquiry. When I quizzed the group, here are a few ideas I heard: “The

5 Reasons your Website Users are SO Frustrated

I’d hope by this point anyone reading this blog understands that my passion for customer experience is a holistic one. I don’t believe one aspect or theory or channel is the “right” way. I believe

3 Ways to Survive Dangerously Casual Customer Reviews

Customer feedback is customer experience gold. That’s why there are transaction surveys, experience surveys, customer interviews, customer focus groups (although you know I’m not a fan) and many, many formal ways to gather feedback and

Why Positive Word-of-Mouth is Insanely Powerful

What do you think when someone tells you about something that’s “gone viral?” These days, your first thought may be Covid-19, but going viral is still a surprisingly common way of describing a funny video, cringe-worthy

3 Ways to Update Customer Experience for Millennials

Do millennials really approach everything differently than generations before them? Or are the challenges of designing for them simply the same challenges as designing and delivering experiences for any group? Yes, millennials approach the world

3 Ways to Let Customers Guide Your Greatest Innovation

Customers can’t always tell us what they want, even when we ask them to leave feedback. So is there another way to learn what they will want next, before they take their business elsewhere? Customer data, feedback and market