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Focusing on Customers: Lessons from Medellin

I admit I was nervous. Growing up in the 1980’s and 90’s, the only association with the city of Medellin or the country of Colombia was hearing about the violence on the news. The violence

Should It Be Painful for Customers to Cancel?

There is a booming industry around subscription services right now. Birchbox is possibly the best known and one of the most successful business models. But the list of subscription products is a long one now.

Challenges of Improving the SaaS Experience

Software-as-a-Service, commonly referred to as SaaS, continues to grow in both size and scale. We use SaaS products for everything from payroll management to paying our taxes to publishing our newsletters to writing our books. SaaS

5 Ways Kimpton Builds Great Customer Experiences

by Adam Toporek As readers of Experience Investigators are aware, micromoments help form an integral part of any customer experience. Micromoments are those little parts of the customer experience, often overlooked by organizations, that can

Tapping Into Real-Time Customer Input

Have you ever struggled with how you can listen better to your customers? What if you have lots of them? What if they love your product enough to be passionate about sharing feedback? It can be

The Tinderization of Mobile Customer Expectations

The world is changing, and fast. We’ve come to accept the incredible pace of innovation. But have you thought of how it’s impacting your customer’s expectations? With the widespread acceptance of apps like Uber and