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Customer Journey Mapping Examples: 4 Use Cases to Inform Your CX Strategy

Are Customer Journey Maps Really Necessary? My client had just returned from a presentation to her executive committee. She was defeated, and realized she made a misstep in trying to get resources for a customer journey mapping initiative. The C-Suite heard her desire to understand customers better, but they couldn’t see HOW that exercise would […]

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Communicating CX: 15 Tips for Talking About Customer Experience

Organizations that focus on customer experience as part of who they are don’t stop communicating about it. It’s part of their internal communications and employee engagement rhythm. Here are 15 ideas to get you started. Combine this with a customer experience champion program within your organization and watch culture really shift.

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Person typing at a laptop at shared table that displays the words Quality Assurance, Customer, Service, and Satisfaction.

What is the Meaning of Quality to Customers?

Quality is an interesting word. We toss it around when discussing products, describing them as “high quality” or lacking it altogether. But what really is the meaning of quality? According to the dictionary, here is the definition. “character with respect to fineness, or grade of excellence: food of poor quality; silks of fine quality.” OR

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How to Create Your Punch List for Quick CX Wins

Have you ever lived through a major renovation project or lived through construction of a house or condo? I say “lived through” because it can be harrowing, on a #firstworldproblems level for sure, but harrowing nonetheless. Selecting the right shade of gray or arguing with your spouse about 1-inch or 1.5-inch tile becomes exhausting. And

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3 Ways to Lean Into Empathy for Better CX

Finding Empathy In Customer Experience It’s easy to assume that empathy is one of those things…we should all know it, feel it, and share it. Just typing that sounds like a better world, a world in which we understand our fellow humans better. So the term empathy gets tossed around a lot in customer experience.

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Five Ways to Thank Customers — And How to Find Opportunities in Your Organization

When our waiter flagged us down by the door, I assumed we had left something behind or forgotten to sign the credit card slip or something. My husband and I were walking out of a restaurant with our two boys, who were 9 and 12 at the time, while on vacation in Florida several years

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What Every C-Suite Leader Needs to Know about Customer Experience

What Does Customer Experience Success Mean to Your C-Suite? There’s a scenario that seems to repeat itself. The CEO or another C-suite leader gets excited about customer experience. So they decide to commit to this idea – that creating better customer experiences will lead to happier customers, leading to better results. They sometimes stop there. They

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5 Ways to Lead Customer Experience – Even If It’s Not In Your Job Description

Who should be responsible for customer experience? It’s easy to toss around phrases like “Customer experience is everyone’s job!” But as I’ve said before, saying it’s everyone’s job is actually permission for it to be nobody’s job. And yet, it really IS up to everyone in an organization to own and deliver great customer experiences.

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Connect Customer Service Success with Customer Experience Excellence

Customer experience success, as we define it, is about living up to the promises made to customers AND delivering business results for your organization. (If you haven’t yet, we recommend a CX Mission Statement and CX Success Statement  to help you define success.) This type of success relies on super customer service. Yet we often

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