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5 Ways to Lead Customer Experience – Even If It’s Not In Your Job Description

Who should be responsible for customer experience?

It’s easy to toss around phrases like “Customer experience is everyone’s job!” But as I’ve said before, saying it’s everyone’s job is actually permission for it to be nobody’s job.

And yet, it really IS up to everyone in an organization to own and deliver great customer experiences. The dirty little secret is that even if there is NO leadership, no investment, and no strategy around customer experience in your organization…you are still delivering a customer experience. Yet that experience is:

  • unintentional
  • inconsistent
  • at best, ordinary
  • most likely, below expectations

What makes a great customer experience?

Great customer experiences are built on many things, but here are three of the big things:

  1. Strategy – a defined outlook for what success is and how to get there
  2. Culture – employees who embrace and understand their role in achieving that success
  3. Accountability – how do we know if we’re succeeding at the first two? And how are we accountable to customers and leaders?

Yet organizations rarely organize themselves around these ideas.

Related: The 3 Facets of Customer Experience  

Instead, customer experience is tossed around as an ill-defined concept. Employees are encouraged to be “customer-obsessed” or remember how the customer signs their paycheck. But really, those are just ideas that can be interpreted differently from one well-meaning employee to the next. After a few months, leaders shrug and ask why people talk so much about customer experience when they haven’t seen the results.

It’s all about being intentional.

And that’s why CX Change Agents are sometimes the real leaders in the organization. They not only talk about CX, they lead by example. They show up, make waves, and get results. And THAT’S when leaders really pay attention.

So if you’re trying to get others in your organization to get it and begging for buy-in from those at the top of the org chart, this is for you.


5 Ways to Lead Customer Experience Efforts, Regardless of Your Title


1. Use the right language

One of my personal pet peeves is hearing “customer experience” described as a buzzword or jargon. But I get it.

Customer experience is seen as something to add on to the business, not part of the business. Instead, it should be seen as a way to win at business. It’s a winning strategy – if it’s intentional.

Intentionality is missing from many customer experience strategies. For example, how intentional is it to say “we love customers” and provide no resources, goals, or even a vision of what that means? That language feels pretty hypocritical when it’s paired with procedures and processes that treat customers like they aren’t to be trusted.

To be a CX change agent, lead with language. Instead of saying “we love customers” as a standalone statement, tie that with tangible goals, measurements, and outcomes.

Use our CX Success Statement to help.

You might be thinking, but I don’t lead any department! Start where you can. If your boss asks about customers, ask harder questions about goals. Get specific. Discuss how you want to tie actions to outcomes. Explain how improving this part of the customer experience will improve how they feel, which will help us achieve higher survey results and, more importantly, higher retention.

Related: Download the SMIRC Goals Checklist to build better CX goals that support your entire organization.

2. Be the customer at the meeting.

As an experiment, I once tracked how often the customer was considered in a series of meetings for 5 days. In five days worth of meetings, the customer was explicitly considered only four times. Four times!

These meetings were about everything from internal processes to customer-facing technology. I get it. Everyone is busy and working hard. It’s not a lack of effort.

As a CX change agent, I encourage you to advocate for the customer in every meeting you have.


  • How will this affect the customer?
  • Will this change/process/tool impact the current customer journey?
  • What does the customer need to know to be successful?
  • Will these internal changes impact the customer positively or negatively?
  • Are there customers we can include in these decisions?

This act alone will enlighten others and create an awareness of the customer in important decisions.

3. Contact customers.

It’s really this simple. If you are in a role where you don’t have contact with customers, reach out to those who do. And if you are in sales, customer success, or other customer-facing roles, reach out on your own.

Find out what they wish worked differently. Ask about their last interaction. Ask about their experiences with others in your industry.

You might have a ton of feedback data available to you. But there’s nothing quite like talking directly to customers.

In most organizations, the higher you climb in the org chart, the further away the customer gets. As a result, many executives have not spoken to a customer in months or even years – some have never done it!

Use this opportunity to keep the real voice of the customer with you.

Related: Creating a Voice of the Customer Program: Don’t Miss These 5 Steps Before Starting  

4. Connect the everyday efforts to the external experience.

Inside many organizations, there are internal processes and communications that simply aren’t working well. Shipping is waiting on product. Product is waiting on design. Everyone is waiting on supply chain management. And billing is not willing to move forward until everyone plays nice!

Internal communications have a direct impact on the customer experience. Yet it’s easy to forget.

CX change agents don’t forget that. They connect the dots proactively and intentionally.

It’s time to get a little direct. “I really appreciate all you do in supply chain management. I’ve promised the customer I’d get back to them by tomorrow with some information. Even if you don’t have an update, will you let me know that? This customer deserves it.”

Help your team work cross-functionally  on behalf of the customer.

5. Innovate on behalf of the customer.

You might see things that you know aren’t working. It’s time to get excited about what could work!

If you don’t know how to make it better, do a little research. Benchmark how others in and outside of your industry have solved similar issues. Look to customer reviews, product feedback, or other accessible communications.

One CX change agent I worked with did this in a really clever way. After identifying a broken part of the experience, she brought it up in a positive way any chance she could. She would bring in new research, examples, customer quotes, or public reviews to each meeting with the cross-functional team.

They eventually agreed to bring in customers for a working session to design a better experience. The customers were appreciative, and other leaders noticed her positive, intentional leadership.

The customers won with an improved experience. This CX change agent won with a promoted role. And the organization won with happier, more loyal customers.

Related: Experiential Innovation: Design Your Customer Experience Future

I know it can be frustrating for CX change agents out there. You may not have the right title. You may not have the right resources. But you have the right intentions.

Intentional, proactive leaders are who really make changes in this world. It’s time for you to lead.

About Jeannie Walters, CCXP, CSP

Jeannie Walters CCXP CSP small square photoJeannie is an award-winning customer experience expert, international keynote speaker, and sought-after business coach who is trailblazing the movement from “Reactive Customer Service” to “Proactive Customer and Employee Experience.” More than 500,000 people have learned from her CX courses on LinkedIn Learning, and her insights have been featured in Forbes, The Chicago Tribune, The Wall Street Journal and NPR

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