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3 Ways to Let Customers Guide Your Greatest Innovation

Customers can’t always tell us what they want, even when we ask them to leave feedback. So is there another way to learn what they will want next, before they take their business elsewhere? Customer data, feedback and market research can still help guide your next innovation. You just need to see the experience though a different lens, and be willing to […]

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Multichannel Support Will Burn Out your Customer Support Team in 2016

Managing time and workload will be the biggest challenge that customer support professionals face in 2016. With the rise of multichannel support, there’s a risk that support professionals will burn out if they don’t take steps to manage their workload more effectively. A new study by Kayako looked into the state of the customer support

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The Tinderization of Mobile Customer Expectations

The world is changing, and fast. We’ve come to accept the incredible pace of innovation. But have you thought of how it’s impacting your customer’s expectations? With the widespread acceptance of apps like Uber and Tinder, customers are demanding more personalized, instantaneous experiences. But many brands aren’t keeping up, leaving the door wide open for

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Is Your Customer Experience Technology Helpful or Creepy?

As some of you who follow this blog may know, I took the CXI® magnifying glass with me to South By Southwest Interactive this month to scout for customer-focused themes within the latest tech trends. Trends are always a big part of SXSW, but each year it comes down to people. People are the ones introducing

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What Will SXSW Mean for Customer Experience in 2015?

It’s that time again! I’ll be heading to South By Southwest Interactive in Austin, Texas. It’s the crazy, chaotic and somewhat kooky festival that attracts me each year. There is always something that grabs everyone’s attention but is a flash in the technology pan. QR Codes on t-shirts? Worst idea ever. But there they were,

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future of AI

Future Marketing: 3 Ways to Speak to Tomorrow’s Customer

Besides the predictable onslaught of product announcements and amazing trade show booths, many discussions around the needs of future customers took place recently at the Consumer Electronics Show, the behemoth of tech conferences, in Las Vegas, Nevada. Many of the trends emerging, though not terribly surprising, call for a unique kind of marketing strategy. Marketers need to position products and the behavior

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