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customer experience design

How to Avoid Hidden Disasters in Customer Experience Design

Ever have a sneaking suspicion something just isn’t right, but you don’t know how to fix it? Is that happening with your organization’s customer experience design for service delivery? Lately, I’m seeing a lot of good intentions gone awry with customer experience. And a lot of leaders and followers defending the INTENTIONS of the design, […]

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Are You Using the Best Customer Experience Shortcuts?

Who doesn’t just adore a time-saving shortcut? One of my favorites is the convenience of typing the first two letters of a web address into my browser and being magically transported to the site! But can you, or should you, take shortcuts with your customer experience? The problem with shortcuts is that they are often

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Are You Talking Yourself Out of Innovating?

Brands need to keep innovating. To stay ahead of the market, they need to offer the “what’s next” to stave off the competition. Innovation is about responding to the market, anticipating needs, and using a little magic to appeal to customers. I often wonder about the companies that don’t innovate. And then I remember some of

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Brian Solis: Your Guide to an Experience-Driven Future

Customer experience is the new black. If you haven’t already heard, experience is HOT. Every savvy marketer, designer, branding strategist, corporate leader, social media blogger and keynote speaker is now a customer experience expert. I say this not with total sarcasm (only a touch) but with some excitement around the way people are finally, painfully, starting

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Obsessing Over CX for Millennials Ruins It for Everyone!

Another “for the millennials” headline pops up every day. As millennials become a bigger part of the market, stepping into adulthood and the paychecks that come with it, companies are trying just about anything to attract this demographic. Millennials are considered different. They are different. Millennials are the first generation who grew up with instant and

Obsessing Over CX for Millennials Ruins It for Everyone! Read More »

5 Mobile Personalization Tweaks to Keep Customers On Track

We’re moving into an age that is becoming more and more mobile. Every conference speaker I’ve seen for the past several years has discussed the importance of designing customer experiences around our obsession with mobile devices. Who doesn’t want to deliver a personalized mobile experience for each customer via those tiny screens? And yet we’re

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The Tinderization of Mobile Customer Expectations

The world is changing, and fast. We’ve come to accept the incredible pace of innovation. But have you thought of how it’s impacting your customer’s expectations? With the widespread acceptance of apps like Uber and Tinder, customers are demanding more personalized, instantaneous experiences. But many brands aren’t keeping up, leaving the door wide open for

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