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It’s Time to Be Honest About the People in Your Experience

It’s all about your people. And it’s also about…your people. Several customer experience case studies confirmed this idea at Medallia’s Experience 2017 conference. They are valuable reminders of how customers are people, and they respond best to people who understand their situation, and better yet, understand how important their roles are in delivering an exceptional experience. […]

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#SXSW: Emerging AI with a Focus on Greater Experiences

It’s been an eventful few days during my latest pilgrimage to the South By Southwest (SXSW) Interactive Festival in Austin, Texas. Yes, I’ve had my share of good barbecue, live music and a few margaritas. But I’ve also been soaking in the “next” that is what is shared here. The overwhelming theme this year is about

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3 Ways to Let Customers Guide Your Greatest Innovation

Customers can’t always tell us what they want, even when we ask them to leave feedback. So is there another way to learn what they will want next, before they take their business elsewhere? Customer data, feedback and market research can still help guide your next innovation. You just need to see the experience though a different lens, and be willing to

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