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business growth

5 Success Lessons from Top Execs at Alibaba and AMEX

I had the unique opportunity to be part of a small crowd of business leaders invited to a special event hosted by American Express. American Express CEO Ken Chenault and Jack Ma, Founder of Alibaba, sat on a small stage and asked each other a few questions about small business, customer-first leadership, and the future

5 Success Lessons from Top Execs at Alibaba and AMEX Read More »

Scaling Your Business Without Alienating Customers

The following is a Best of 360Connext post. This post was written for, and a version originally appeared on the philGERBYSHAK blog. Operating your business and scaling your business are two separate ideas, believe it or not. It’s easy to get caught up in the daily routine of operating the business. Much of our time

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The Frustrating but Successful Content Marketing Path

About a year ago, we began dedicating ourselves to a more intentional and dedicated content marketing strategy. We’re a small business that serves a larger market, so having our potential clients find us became critical. Our goals were simple, but difficult to track. We wanted more qualified prospects to find us and then convert into clients.

The Frustrating but Successful Content Marketing Path Read More »