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Learn How to

Build Customer Journey Maps

Featured Guide

Customer Journey Mapping Workbook

Create Customer Journey Maps that Work. Our template and exercises will guide your team's customer journey mapping process.

[LinkedIn Learning] Customer Experience: Journey Mapping

Certified Customer Experience Professional (CCXP) Jeannie Walters shows how to set up a customer journey mapping program for success, introduces tools and techniques to execute the journey mapping process, and explains how to go deeper to test your understanding and take action.

How to Build a Customer Experience Persona

Developing CX Personas: The Step Before Journey Mapping In my work consulting, training, and running workshops , one consistent theme I find is teams are super eager to begin the Customer Journey Mapping process. I

5 Ways to Optimize Your Customer Feedback Program

A customer experience leader’s role is often tied to collecting, analyzing and acting upon customer feedback. Many leaders are tasked with developing customer feedback programs, including how and when to send surveys, where to insert

[LinkedIn Learning] Creating a Positive Customer Experience

In this course, customer experience expert Jeannie Walters walks you through creating a positive customer experience. Jeannie explains how to understand your customer’s end-to-end experience, or customer journey, and goes over the steps to build an effective customer experience strategy.