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Featured – Align Organizational Vision & Goals

The Spectrum of Data-Driven CX (And Why There’s No Magic Metric)

Every team at an organization must prove how their work contributes to the bottom line — and customer experience is no exception. We know CX teams can deliver significant business advantages: Satisfied customers are much more likely to purchase more Revenue grows 40% faster by providing personalized experiences Businesses achieve a 2.3x higher customer lifetime

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Hands arranging a set of wooden blocks with target drawn in the middle

Is Your Organization’s Customer Experience Success Intentional?

Organizations are increasingly recognizing the importance of delivering exceptional customer experiences. However, many customer experience (CX) initiatives fall short of achieving their desired outcomes due to a lack of proactive leadership and strategic planning. There needs to be a focus on intentional strategy, clear goals, effective communication, employee empowerment, and a commitment to continuous improvement.

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The Customer Experience Conundrum: Where Does It Belong in Your Organization?

Do you have a Chief Customer Officer? A few years ago, Gartner reported that nearly 90% of organizations did. Where this vital function should sit in their organizational structures is the lingering question of customer experience management. Like many things, there is no one perfect solution. Instead of prescribing a one-size-fits-all answer, let’s unpack the

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How to Create a Winning Customer Advisory Board

Customer advisory boards (also known as CABs) can be a powerful tool for unlocking the potential of your relationships with customers. While CABs can be an effective way to engage customers in a meaningful dialogue about your company’s products and services, gain valuable insights into customer needs, and develop strategies for improving customer experience, that

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Customer Experience Planning: Ask These Reflection Questions

Within the natural cycles of any business, there are times that offer a chance to review, reflect and recharge. Some of the most common moments include: The end of the calendar year The end of your fiscal year As you wrap one quarter and prepare for the next Before budgeting season Any time changes demand

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