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Customer Experience

5 Top CX Trends For Survival in the Age of the Customer

The way we create and deliver customer experiences is constantly evolving in this rapidly changing space. Keeping up with customer experience trends is now an essential part of running a successful business. It’s moving from a “nice to have” to a “must have” department in most organizations. Those with or without customer experience in their […]

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improve customer experience

How to Start Improving CX in the Real World

I’m often asked how or where a company should start improving CX. While the answer may be a little different for everyone, it’s critical to start out right! However, very few leaders take a realistic approach. Consider this way-too-typical scenario: Marcus decides one day to stand in front of his employees and request in no

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How to Know if Your CX Strategy Is Fake

I’m getting calls from very well-meaning business leaders lately. They are well-versed in many areas of business. Perhaps they were in marketing, or technology or operations. Or maybe they were responsible for the learning and development of thousands of employees. They have credentials and experience and are viewed as leaders of change in their organizations.

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Are You Using the Best Customer Experience Shortcuts?

Who doesn’t just adore a time-saving shortcut? One of my favorites is the convenience of typing the first two letters of a web address into my browser and being magically transported to the site! But can you, or should you, take shortcuts with your customer experience? The problem with shortcuts is that they are often

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How Do Smart Leaders Create the Best Experiences?

In many ways, customer experience is still a new phenomenon. Ok that’s not really accurate, of course. Your customers have experiences with you, and judge their relationship with your brand based on how they feel about those experiences, whether you want them to or not. But the idea of investing in creating powerful, meaningful and

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It’s Time to Be Honest About the People in Your Experience

It’s all about your people. And it’s also about…your people. Several customer experience case studies confirmed this idea at Medallia’s Experience 2017 conference. They are valuable reminders of how customers are people, and they respond best to people who understand their situation, and better yet, understand how important their roles are in delivering an exceptional experience.

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How to Unlock Your Outstanding Service Culture for Good

Service culture is the holy grail for many organizations. It’s the secret sauce of those companies we hold up as the role models of customer-centricity. Companies like Rackspace or Safelite are well-known disruptors in their industries simply because they focus like crazy on their customers. So customer service expert and author Jeff Toister decided to find out: what

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200 Amazing Customer-Obsessed Topics and More!

I’ll be honest. When we started recording episodes for our Crack the Customer Code podcast, I wasn’t sure if my co-host Adam Toporek and I would have enough to discuss. I mean, how much is there, really, to say about customer experience and customer service? And yet… Week after week, episode after episode…we kept talking!

200 Amazing Customer-Obsessed Topics and More! Read More »

#SXSW: Emerging AI with a Focus on Greater Experiences

It’s been an eventful few days during my latest pilgrimage to the South By Southwest (SXSW) Interactive Festival in Austin, Texas. Yes, I’ve had my share of good barbecue, live music and a few margaritas. But I’ve also been soaking in the “next” that is what is shared here. The overwhelming theme this year is about

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