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It’s Time to Be Honest About the People in Your Experience

It’s all about your people. And it’s also about…your people. Several customer experience case studies confirmed this idea at Medallia’s Experience 2017 conference. They are valuable reminders of how customers are people, and they respond best to people who understand their situation, and better yet, understand how important their roles are in delivering an exceptional experience. […]

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How to Unlock Your Outstanding Service Culture for Good

Service culture is the holy grail for many organizations. It’s the secret sauce of those companies we hold up as the role models of customer-centricity. Companies like Rackspace or Safelite are well-known disruptors in their industries simply because they focus like crazy on their customers. So customer service expert and author Jeff Toister decided to find out: what

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Are Your Employees Engaged to Tell You the Truth?

Surveying employees on satisfaction and engagement is not a new concept, but it’s getting a little more fanfare these days. Forward-looking leaders understand how important it is to have innovative, productive and engaged employees. More and more studies show how important the link between employee experience and customer experience really is. And innovation is one

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3 Powerful No-Sweat Customer Experience Quick Fixes

Working day after day on the same set of projects and goals can make us a little complacent about what customers really need from us. Too often, we convince ourselves that what happens within our walls doesn’t have a direct impact on the experiences we deliver. Customer experience is huge and all-encompassing, so many think of improving it

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Achieve Stellar Customer Service with the Aloha Principle

By Natalie Smith Hawaiians have a reputation for delivering stellar customer service. They seem to always maintain a genuinely warm and friendly manner when dealing with their clients, making it virtually impossible to feel dissatisfied even after experiencing some sort of service failure. The secret may be that they have a sunny outlook on life that

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5 Epic Employee Engagement Issues You Never Noticed

Highly-engaged employees will deliver better experiences to your customers, leading to increased loyalty, more referrals, and more business overall. Yippee! However, employee engagement is emotional and often hinged on the very last experience an employee might have – with his or her manager, with co-workers, with an angry client, or even with you. These simple moments add

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Why Claims of History Fail to Impress Today’s Customers

One of my favorite things to do is to facilitate a co-creation session with a client and their customers. They always lead to incredible insights thanks to the honest feedback of those in the room. Recently, I facilitated a session with a B2B company that was losing a bit of ground to disruptive competitors. I bet many

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What Happens When Everyone Owns the Customer Experience?

It’s become cliché to say it, but everyone does own the customer experience. If the custodian sweeping up doesn’t believe his role plays a part, then it’s easy to pull the thread and suddenly nobody thinks they own the experience overall. I ask this question a lot when I speak to groups. Who owns the

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Do Your Communication Tactics Undermine Your Intentions?

“Say please!” I say this to my children in a nearly constant refrain. Actually, now that they are pretty good about manners, I typically just give them a Mom glare and the polite words fall out of their mouths. But they have also learned that these words matter not because of the words themselves, but

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5 Important Steps to Win the Moment With Customers

We live in a digital world, constantly connected, where information is always at our fingertips. With all this information, businesses have the tricky task of standing out from all the chatter and building strong relationships with their customers. Millennials are changing the way brands market themselves and build those relationships. Today, millennials say they’re influenced

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