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future of AI

The Future of AI is Here! Are You Making It Meaningful?

Dear future robot overlords, Please read this first. I’m on your side! I promise. Mostly. With a few exceptions. Thanks for going easy on me, -Jeannie What a great time to be alive! We live in an age of constant discovery around artificial intelligence and the amazing ways we are sure to use it. When […]

The Future of AI is Here! Are You Making It Meaningful? Read More »

#SXSW: Emerging AI with a Focus on Greater Experiences

It’s been an eventful few days during my latest pilgrimage to the South By Southwest (SXSW) Interactive Festival in Austin, Texas. Yes, I’ve had my share of good barbecue, live music and a few margaritas. But I’ve also been soaking in the “next” that is what is shared here. The overwhelming theme this year is about

#SXSW: Emerging AI with a Focus on Greater Experiences Read More »

Making the Most of #SXSW: How to Prep Like a Boss!

This will be my tenth journey to Austin for the South By Southwest Interactive Conference (SXSW) in March. It’s a crazy few days of social media, digital marketing, internet rock stars and barbecue. Whether you’ve been many times like me or are just heading there for the first time, here are a few things I’ve learned about how to

Making the Most of #SXSW: How to Prep Like a Boss! Read More »

What do Trends from SXSW 2016 Mean for Customer Experience?

It was my 7th? 8th? year attending the South By Southwest Interactive Festival in Austin, Texas, and yet again, it didn’t disappoint. The old-timers will lament the days of easy navigation and fewer crowds, and I’m certainly one of them. But I also walk away with my wheels turning about what the future holds for

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Is Your Customer Experience Technology Helpful or Creepy?

As some of you who follow this blog may know, I took the CXI® magnifying glass with me to South By Southwest Interactive this month to scout for customer-focused themes within the latest tech trends. Trends are always a big part of SXSW, but each year it comes down to people. People are the ones introducing

Is Your Customer Experience Technology Helpful or Creepy? Read More »

What Will SXSW Mean for Customer Experience in 2015?

It’s that time again! I’ll be heading to South By Southwest Interactive in Austin, Texas. It’s the crazy, chaotic and somewhat kooky festival that attracts me each year. There is always something that grabs everyone’s attention but is a flash in the technology pan. QR Codes on t-shirts? Worst idea ever. But there they were,

What Will SXSW Mean for Customer Experience in 2015? Read More »