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customer journey

3 Ways to Lean Into Empathy for Better CX

Finding Empathy In Customer Experience It’s easy to assume that empathy is one of those things…we should all know it, feel it, and share it. Just typing that sounds like a better world, a world in which we understand our fellow humans better. So the term empathy gets tossed around a lot in customer experience. […]

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most important touchpoints ignored

How the Most Important Customer Journey Touchpoints Get Ignored, And How to Fix It

Touchpoints aren’t what they used to be. There was a time in our history when customer journey touchpoints were…finite. We could list them easily and agree easily to what they were. The list might have 5-6 things on it for a sophisticated organization. When asked, ‘how does a prospect or customer interact with your brand?’

How the Most Important Customer Journey Touchpoints Get Ignored, And How to Fix It Read More »

customer experience design

How to Avoid Hidden Disasters in Customer Experience Design

Ever have a sneaking suspicion something just isn’t right, but you don’t know how to fix it? Is that happening with your organization’s customer experience design for service delivery? Lately, I’m seeing a lot of good intentions gone awry with customer experience. And a lot of leaders and followers defending the INTENTIONS of the design,

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One Piece of Customer Communication that Fails to Delight

Customers hear from you regularly. Right? As you dwell on how often you actually connect with a customer (once a week? once every few months? never?) I want to remind you of one simple fact. Your customers, if they are truly customers, pay you regularly. They probably receive an invoice of some sort, even if

One Piece of Customer Communication that Fails to Delight Read More »

Focus on the Negative Experiences to Get Positive Results

Recent data from InMoment revealed how missing expectations for customers has a greater impact than meeting or even exceeding those expectations. So while you might be doing your best to provide those wow moments for your customers, your competitors might win by simply not disappointing them with negative customer experiences in the first place. What

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When Content is Just for Marketing, Everyone’s Missing Out!

So content is king, right? Or is it context? What about the once and future king, conversion?? Content continues to be a driver for smart companies who want to attract the right prospects, market to those who want to buy and eventually convert those prospects to sales! Yee haw. Inbound sales and content marketing are

When Content is Just for Marketing, Everyone’s Missing Out! Read More »