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5 Blogging Tips to Fuel Up Your Content Machine

Blogs are at the center of many content strategies.

Ours at Experience Investigators is no exception! It’s the hub of our thought leadership, our perspective on current events, our “x marks the treasure” spot for our social communities!

I write several times a week and I’m often asked how we come up with our content. It’s challenging to write frequently around similar topics, but when I’m stuck for blog ideas I’ve found some invaluable resources. I hope these blogging tips will help you, too.

blogging tips

Before jumping into the ideas for creating killer content, I’d also say it gets easier the more you do it! So jump in, burn up those keys and don’t give up!

1. Listen to what readers ask about.

It’s great to start tracking the questions. Really key in on what readers are trying to learn from you. I get great questions when I speak at events and try to record those quickly so I can write about them later. You can also hear follow up questions when people are first learning about you and your organization.

2. Search outside of the box.

I’m not a fan of jumping on the trending topics just to jump on them. It feels disingenuous and inauthentic most of the time. And if EVERYONE is writing a blog about the lessons of the latest social media brand disaster, you may not need to add to the noise.

Instead, search for recent developments about YOUR topic or industry. Consider if you can add value or share your insight from there.

I use Google News search and try some pretty random combinations sometime, like “customer experience” + “social media” + “specific brand or event.” Some searches come up empty, but this exercise can help you find topics that inspire you in ways you might otherwise miss!

3. Follow relevant publications.

There are plenty of overused resources like Mashable that others use. I prefer to check the ones that most apply to me and my role. I peruse Harvard Business Review, Fast Company, Retail Customer Experience, Multichannel Merchant, and more. These publications often are a step ahead of the bigger media outlets when it comes to issues that matter to me and our readers.

4. Encourage suggestions.

It’s amazing how many bloggers DON’T do this. We get so wrapped up in our schedules we forget to ask the questions. What would you like to learn about? What topics matter to you? What do you wish we would write about? They’ll answer and tell you where to focus your research!

5. Don’t lose track of comments.

I love receiving requests from readers! One particularly pertinent commenter requested a “part 2” to a blog. Brilliant! Readers really do know best, so don’t be afraid to share the good stuff they ask for.

Consistently creating useful content is challenging, but it’s the life blood of any content and social media strategy. Social media is very effective for directing an audience back to your blog, which can be the center of your strategy.

How do you get ideas for your blog content? What keeps you going?

This post was written for, and a version originally appeared on Social Media Club’s Clubhouse blog

Image credit: b1gw1ght via Creative Commons license

About Jeannie Walters, CCXP, CSP

Jeannie Walters CCXP CSP small square photoJeannie is an award-winning customer experience expert, international keynote speaker, and sought-after business coach who is trailblazing the movement from “Reactive Customer Service” to “Proactive Customer and Employee Experience.” More than 500,000 people have learned from her CX courses on LinkedIn Learning, and her insights have been featured in Forbes, The Chicago Tribune, The Wall Street Journal and NPR

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