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Revisiting Our Top 10 Most Popular CX Posts Of 2019

2020 is Almost Here…

With the new year — and the new decade! — just two weeks away, we’re all turning our attention to where CX will go in 2020 and beyond.

And while I’m all about looking forward more than I look back, it’s worth remembering that a lot of the articles written on Experience Investigators in 2019  are just as relevant in 2020… some even more so!

So with that in mind, let’s look back on…

Our Top 10 Most Popular Posts Of 2019

(All links open in a new tab — no need to worry about losing your spot.)

#10: Improving B2B Customer Experience: Is It More Personal Than B2C?

Read as I explain how it can be that B2B relationships with customers are often MORE personal than those in B2C, even if that seems counterintuitive.

#9: 5 Ways Successful Teams Close the Customer Experience Gap

On average, 80% of leaders believe they are delivering a superior customer experience while only 8% of their customers agree.

That means the average brand believes nearly 3/4 of their customers are getting a better experience than they actually are.

That’s significant, to say the least. So how can a truly dedicated customer experience leader close the CX gap?

#8: Are You Overlooking Customer Experience Basics & Accidentally Neglecting Customers?

As a whole, we don’t really enjoy talking about customer experience basics. Instead, the conversation around CX often centers around the pull-a-rabbit-out-of-a-hat, OHMYGOD moments that amaze customers and offer those oft-discussed but hard-to-achieve moments of surprise and delight.

And therein lies the challenge.

We are wowed by the wow moments because we’re so consistently being neglected in the regular moments. So what can we do?

#7: 4 Ways the Experts Master Journey Mapping

If you’ve embarked on a journey mapping initiative, are you sitting motionless in the water, hoping the wind will take you where you want to go… or are you “tacking” by assessing where you are, where the wind is blowing, and asking what’s next?

Here, I share some ideas for ways to use your customer journey map to get you moving today and keep you moving tomorrow.

#6: Improve Employee Experience to Improve Customer Experience

Your employees need to care – really, truly, deeply care – before anything can really happen for your customers.

This means you have to find WAYS for them to care. And mean it.

Let’s investigate what some of those ways may be for you.

#5: The Future of CX: Five Customer Experience Trends for 2020 and Beyond

Go ahead, take a break from looking back and use this post as an excuse to look forward.

Here, we dive into things that will change in CX in the future… and some things that won’t change any time soon.

#4: How the Most Important Touchpoints Get Ignored, And How to Fix It

The number of ways customers can connect with our brand is greater than it’s ever been, and it just keeps growing.

How can we take on the impossible list of touchpoints? Read on to find out.

#3: How to Create the Best Customer Experience Solutions

The great challenge in any customer experience scenario is the cold, hard fact that your customers are…human.

Humans behave by their own set of rules. And by their own set of rules, I actually mean each individual THINKS they are making decisions based on an extremely personal set of values, lifestyles, restrictions, negotiations and on and on and on.

How do we create perfect solutions out of imperfect data?

#2: 5 Ways to Instill Customer Focused Values Throughout your Organization

Even after over a decade of helping small and large businesses alike, I still meet leaders who believe that Customer Experience is just about so much call-center scripts or proper protocol around customer complaints.

As you and I both know, it’s so much more than that.

The best companies, the ones we know as customer experience leaders, adopt a customer focused view to everything.

#1: Overcome Leadership Bias: 5 Common Types and the #1 Solution

The #1 solution to leadership bias ended up being the #1 most popular post of the year as well.

Is leadership bias an issue for you?

If you said no… was that just your bias talking?


What Will Our Most Popular Posts of 2020 be? That’s Up To You.


I can’t wait to see what 2020 has in store, and I’m thrilled to continue offering insights every week.

To get new posts delivered directly to your inbox — along with additional insights exclusive to subscribers — make sure to sign up for my weekly letter below.

Wishing you the happiest of holidays!

About Jeannie Walters, CCXP, CSP

Jeannie Walters CCXP CSP small square photoJeannie is an award-winning customer experience expert, international keynote speaker, and sought-after business coach who is trailblazing the movement from “Reactive Customer Service” to “Proactive Customer and Employee Experience.” More than 500,000 people have learned from her CX courses on LinkedIn Learning, and her insights have been featured in Forbes, The Chicago Tribune, The Wall Street Journal and NPR

Get Jeannie’s insights in your inbox each week by subscribing to The Weekly Win and follow her on LinkedIn, Instagram and YouTube.

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