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How to Create the Best Customer Experience Solutions

Customer experience solutions are readily available these days.

There are robust platforms that promise a seamless journey for your customers. There are feedback tools to help you gather JUST the perfect, most meaningful insights. And there are data sets and analytics and pivot tables, oh my!

The real challenge in any customer experience scenario is the cold, hard fact that your customers are…human. Humans behave by their own set of rules. And by their own set of rules, I actually mean each individual THINKS they are making decisions based on an extremely personal set of values, lifestyles, restrictions, negotiations and on and on and on.

But the irony of course is that we tell ourselves these are the reasons we do things and these are loosely true based on the emotions we feel in the moment. Neuroscience tells us human beings are immensely irrational and emotional creatures, meaning each one of us is a puzzle that can’t be totally solved!

customer experience solutionsSo, what’s a Customer Experience Leader to do?

While we might be able to accept the idea that grouping people always leads to exceptions and imperfect data, it’s still data.

If the majority of your front-line employees, for instance, are complaining about their system as clunky, cumbersome and an obstacle of the ideal customer journey, it’s time to find real customer experience solutions for that system! If the majority of your customers are telling you the mobile app isn’t worth installing, it’s time to create more value there!

Imperfect Data Leads to Closer-to-Perfect Customer Experience Solutions.

Let’s accept data as imperfect, and that human behaviors are difficult to decipher and predict. Let’s also accept how we want to provide a meaningful, memorable and effortless experience for our customers and those who serve them.

The secret to all this data management and Customer Experience Management is both simple and complex. I see it as three big ideas to lead to a better experience for all.

1. Know what the ideal experience is!

If you haven’t mapped your customer’s real journey in a while, or ever, that’s an important step. Know what their reality is. Not what you THINK it is, but what it actually is. Then map the ideal experience, based on reducing effort for customers, improving the outcomes they want, and making the experience of employees as seamless as possible.

This is not a quick fix, but knowing what the reality is today and where you want to go is really half the battle!

customer experience solutions

2. Look for patterns in the data you have.

Regardless of how robust your customer experience management system is, you have data. Find out what patterns are accepted as truth. Listen for those accepted realities about a hotspot in your customer’s journey.

If you hear things like “our customers all hate our invoices” repeated, it’s time to really look at what the data around that is telling you. What do they hate? Are you receiving payment late because customers can’t decode their complicated invoices? Is your accounting team insisting on codes that are easier for you but not the customer?

Whatever data you have, tracking those patterns month after month provides real insights. BUT you have to start somewhere.

Don’t let the feeling of overwhelm prevent you from gaining valuable insights you might already have in your data.

customer experience solutions
In this episode, 35-year customer experience pro Jeanne Bliss shares spoilers from her latest book “Would You Do That To Your Mother? The ‘Make Mom Proud’ Standard For How To Treat Your Customers.”

3. Decide what to improve. Then do it!

Your customers are depending on you to listen to their feedback, then act on it! If you don’t have a way to prioritize and execute on those ideas, then you don’t really have a reason to collect feedback. The best organizations have a cross-functional team to help determine how to execute, as well as a way to circle back with the customers who provided feedback. Sending the survey is not enough!

Are you ready to accept these truths and create closer-to-perfect customer experience solutions? It’s time to define your future, use the data you have, and act on it!


About Jeannie Walters, CCXP, CSP

Jeannie Walters CCXP CSP small square photoJeannie is an award-winning customer experience expert, international keynote speaker, and sought-after business coach who is trailblazing the movement from “Reactive Customer Service” to “Proactive Customer and Employee Experience.” More than 500,000 people have learned from her CX courses on LinkedIn Learning, and her insights have been featured in Forbes, The Chicago Tribune, The Wall Street Journal and NPR

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