[Experience Action Podcast] Customer Experience (CX) Value Creation
❔”How do you define value creation from customer experience?”❔
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❔”How do you define value creation from customer experience?”❔
Customer advisory boards (also known as CABs) can be a powerful tool for unlocking the potential of your relationships with customers. While CABs can be an effective way to engage customers in a meaningful dialogue
What would customer experience (CX) success for you look like in a year? Let’s imagine a year from today…
❔”Is customer experience and process improvement the same thing?” ❔ This is a very interesting question! For starters, we need to think of it as a “yes, and” scenario. Business plans tend to focus on
Sponsored by PayPal If your customers are interacting with your business, they are having an experience. This includes what happens before, after, and during their purchase. The payment experience is part of this… and can
❔”How do we define what customer experience truly is?”❔
❔”How do I evaluate how well we’ve done as far as customer experience goes?”❔
In this week’s episode, Jeannie talks about all things CX Mission Statement
❔”How do we get leadership or executive sponsorship for CX initiatives that we want to tackle?”❔
Who should be responsible for customer experience? It’s easy to toss around phrases like “Customer experience is everyone’s job!” But as I’ve said before, saying it’s everyone’s job is actually permission for it to be