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CX Prioritization Guidebook

Use the techniques in this guidebook to get everyone aligned and active on the initiatives that are most impactful.

Are You Talking Yourself Out of Innovating?

Brands need to keep innovating. To stay ahead of the market, they need to offer the “what’s next” to stave off the competition. Innovation is about responding to the market, anticipating needs, and using a little

Your Process Flows Don’t Know Jack!

A client was really excited to share something: “We have finally done all our process maps!” She was the newly appointed customer service director, and she had heard mapping was important. Several months later, and

3 Ways to Update Customer Experience for Millennials

Do millennials really approach everything differently than generations before them? Or are the challenges of designing for them simply the same challenges as designing and delivering experiences for any group? Yes, millennials approach the world

5 Important Steps to Win the Moment With Customers

We live in a digital world, constantly connected, where information is always at our fingertips. With all this information, businesses have the tricky task of standing out from all the chatter and building strong relationships

Brian Solis: Your Guide to an Experience-Driven Future

Customer experience is the new black. If you haven’t already heard, experience is HOT. Every savvy marketer, designer, branding strategist, corporate leader, social media blogger and keynote speaker is now a customer experience expert. I say