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Create a Customer-Centric Culture

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Employee Journey Map Template

Understand and Improve Employee Journeys. Achieve better customer experience through better employee experience.

Are you SURE you’re Hiring the Right person?

Employee engagement is a key driver in delivering great customer experiences. Without a dedicated and engaged workforce, customer complaints increase, loyalty decreases, and the company is less successful. And while it’s of course critically important

5 Ways to Improve the Patient Experience in 2016

It was a privilege to present at the recent Next Generation Patient Experience conference. I had never attended a conference solely focused on healthcare, so I learned a lot about what innovative healthcare systems are

5 Ways to Create a Better Customer Experience for 2016

Your customers are already evaluating the experience you are delivering. And they’re making decisions because of it. 89% of customers will decide based on customer experience in 2016. How can you create a better customer experience

Do WE Belong? Experience is Always Personal

Written by Jon Drachenberg My husband Jason and I recently took a short trip to Sturgeon Bay, Wisconsin, a favorite childhood destination of mine, just to unwind after several chaotic weeks of packing and moving across

What Does Employee Empowerment *Really* Mean?

A common refrain in customer experience circles is that to deliver a winning experience, you first need to empower your employees. But does it work? And what does employee empowerment really mean? In an ideal

Proving the Value of Customer Experience

The 3 Biggest Areas of Potential ROI and How to Invest Strategically to Maximize Results

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