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5 Mobile Personalization Tweaks to Keep Customers On Track

We’re moving into an age that is becoming more and more mobile. Every conference speaker I’ve seen for the past several years has discussed the importance of designing customer experiences around our obsession with mobile devices. Who doesn’t want to deliver a personalized mobile experience for each customer via those tiny screens? And yet we’re […]

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Stop Looking at Channels for the Best Omnichannel Experience

I hosted a webinar last week about digital experience. We’ve developed a process here called Digital Micromapping. This is the next step after customer journey maps in some cases, the first case in others. In the webinar, we covered some of the typical issues we uncover during these micromapping exercises and we shared how to

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The Tinderization of Mobile Customer Expectations

The world is changing, and fast. We’ve come to accept the incredible pace of innovation. But have you thought of how it’s impacting your customer’s expectations? With the widespread acceptance of apps like Uber and Tinder, customers are demanding more personalized, instantaneous experiences. But many brands aren’t keeping up, leaving the door wide open for

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