[Experience Action Podcast] Countdown to CX Day
How can you celebrate CX Day on a limited budget and with a small team?
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How can you celebrate CX Day on a limited budget and with a small team?
Why does Customer Experience Training Matter? Customer Experience (CX) is commonly misunderstood as reactive customer service, support, or even just ‘being nice to customers.’ CX is much more than these, though. I like to define
Can sending an invoice actually enhance your customer relationship? Hear how to transform routine tasks into positive touchpoints and memorable experiences.
How do you prioritize customer experience improvements in a way that truly makes an impact?
Ever wondered how artificial intelligence could reshape the way we work? Join us for an exciting conversation about the transformative power of AI on the employee experience.
I’ve seen organizations adopt a few common mindsets that inadvertently hold them back, as well as CX pros who overlook key resources that can help them get ahead. By facing these realities head on you can more quickly implement the best customer experience strategy for your organization.
Hear some key differences and intersections between customer experience consulting and management or strategy consulting in this eye-opening episode.
Have you ever wondered how effective communication could revolutionize your organization’s CX initiatives?
Are your customer experience goals too vague or reactive? Uncover the secrets to setting clear, actionable, and measurable CX goals in our latest episode of Experience Action.
Let’s tackle the challenge of sharing negative customer feedback without sending your team running for the hills.