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CX Prioritization Guidebook

Use the techniques in this guidebook to get everyone aligned and active on the initiatives that are most impactful.

Closing the Customer Experience Gap With Mobile

by Robi Ganguly I recently had the opportunity to attend San Diego’s Next Generation Customer Experience conference and present a session on the role of mobile in closing the gap in customer experience. The conference

Scaling Your Business Without Alienating Customers

The following is a Best of 360Connext post. This post was written for, and a version originally appeared on the philGERBYSHAK blog. Operating your business and scaling your business are two separate ideas, believe it

Content Marketing Advice You Can’t Afford to Miss

Content marketing is such a big trend and for good reason! (In case you didn’t know it, the only marketing we’ve ever done here at Experience Investigators by 360Connext is blogging, speaking and social sharing.)

5 Reasons Never to Miss SXSW Interactive

I’ve noticed a lot of blogs and articles and general gripes lately about why SXSW Interactive has jumped the shark. It’s fashionable to post emphatically about how there’s no appeal to the massive conference tackling digital