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CX Mission Statement Workbook

Define Your Organization's Customer Experience Mission. Complete the CX Mission Statement Workbook and turn aspiration into action.
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Use SMIRC Goals to Define Customer Experience Outcomes

Listen to this article You’ve heard of SMART goals… But what about 😏 SMIRC goals? It’s not uncommon in my experience coaching, consulting, and workshopping with business leaders to come across goals that are vague,

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Why Journey Map? 3 Problems They Can Solve

Why Create Customer Journey Maps? Journey maps can be extraordinarily impactful on how an organization approaches their products, services, and interactions. They are also often widely misunderstood. Stop for a moment and imagine a customer

[LinkedIn Learning] Journey Mapping: Case Study in Action

In this practical sequel to her introductory journey mapping course, instructor Jeannie Walters walks through creating an actual customer journey map from start to finish. Jeannie covers each step, including setting goals, gathering data, facilitating a journey mapping workshop, interviewing customers to validate the map, and more. Along the way, she offers plenty of tips and techniques to help focus the process and move your team toward an actionable goal.