Want Everyone in Your Organization to Understand What the Ideal Customer Experience Should Be, Support CX Initiatives, and Understand the True Value of Your Work?
Let Chief Flight Instructor Jeannie Walters, CCXP, CSP, and the Experience Investigators Flight School Ground Crew Support You in Defining Your CX Mission – and What Success Looks Like for Your Organization
Before I joined [CXI Ground School and] CXI Flight School, we had a CX operations team that was doing everything we could in our own little siloed bubbles. My organization created a CX team, and now we are able to touch the entire company, the entire business at the enterprise level, our supply and demand, our contributors and our customers, and our core business. It was the perfect time for me to join CXI Flight School because people are really listening right now in the company and for better or for worse we're getting the attention we need to make an impact.
Will you choose to let it just happen – or will you intentionally design the customer experience in a way that supports organizational goals?
Want Everyone in Your Organization to Understand What the Ideal Customer Experience Should Be, Support CX Initiatives, and Understand the True Value of Your Work?
The problem? Even if the statements get close to painting a customer-centric picture … they don’t define how to achieve the vision.
The CX Mission Statement and CX Success Strategy work together to connect the dots between creating a great customer experience and succeeding as an organization, while providing a clear roadmap for aligning efforts behind the shared vision.
Connecting organizational and leadership goals and CX goals sounds easy. But it’s trickier than it seems … which is a big reason CX doesn’t always get the respect it deserves.
That’s where CXI Ground School comes in…
CXI Ground School is a guided 12-week journey through the process of building your CX Mission Statement and CX Success Strategy.
You’ll be using the same framework and tools that Experience Investigators uses with its private consulting clients – but for a fraction of the investment.
I love the way Jeannie combines the personal and professional in the most meaningful way.